In China, it's vary rare to find these tigers in the wild. There are only around 1,200 giant cats from the Indochinese family left in the world thanks to human hunting and deforestation.
The Indochinese tiger (also known as the Corbett's tiger) is a subspecies of tiger, found throughout South-East Asia. The Indochinese Tiger is now an Endangered species and actually thought to be extinct in the Chinese wild today.
The Indochinese tiger is found throughout Cambodia Laos, Thailand, Burma, and Vietnam although the Indochinese tiger’s range is much smaller now than it once was and no Indochinese tigers have been seen in the wild In China since 2007.
This tiger species is a medium sized species of tiger that usually inhabits secluded forests up in the mountain region, which is generally along the borders along each country.
Since it is a dominant and carnivorous predator by stalking its prey until it’s the right time to pounce they usually hunt large mammals such as deer, wild boar, cattle and goats.
The only threat to these tigers is really humans who hunt them and the loss of their habitats due to deforestation. Thanks to humans poachers the current population is believed to be 1,200 to 350.
Of course the tiger species is important because if they are gone for good this will effect the population of other species. Such as the Asian elephant, Asiatic black bear, a suite of wild cattle and many endemic deer.
Our current plan to save them is by working with local communities to help let both sides coexist. As well as protecting their habitats and establishing tiger landscapes which prevents poachers and hunters from killing off this species which is on the brink of extinction.
Almost 750,000 fin whales were killed in the Southern Hemisphere between 1904 and 1979 The current population in the North Atlantic probably exceeds 46,000 right now.
Resulting from poisoning by the diclofenac, a veterinary drug given to livestock which is toxic to vultures, brought declining birth rates there are only 12,000 — 38,000 left and on the decline.
This species of bumble bee is the first native bee species to be listed as endangered in the continental U.S with a population decine of 95% thanks to human activity.